Shaffer Block is a dealer for Hitzer Coal Stoves, Fireplace Inserts and Furnaces. All Hitzer stoves are hand built, one at a time by Amish Craftsmen. The quality and detail of a Hitzer stove is second to none. All Hitzer Stoves are designed to burn anthracite hard coal with a few models available that will also burn soft coal.



Hitzer 983 Fireplace Insert

Wood and Coal Stoves

Stone Fireplace with Stove

Kyle Style Stove with Stone
Surround and Mantel

Gravity Fed Hopper Stove

Hitzer 354 Stove and Fireplace

Ask us about Blaschak Anthracite Coal, available in 40 lb. bags.

If your home never feels warm enough, despite heating bills that are out of sight, it’s time to consider the advantages of anthracite.
Hundreds of thousands of homeowners already enjoy anthracite, and many others are converting to it for comfortable, cost-efficient home heating.Here

Because anthracite burns so slowly, it produces more heat for less cost. 

Our anthracite is produced entirely in the United States by American workers. It’s delivered pre-washed in convenient 40-pound bags and Blaschak anthracite coal in particular is known for its consistently even sizing and purity.

Anthracite coal is environmentally friendly. It burns with virtually no smoke or emissions, producing no soot or creosote buildup.


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951 South Edgewood Ave, Somerset, PA 15501


+1 800 365 1576